
Grey-headed Chachalaca - Ortalis cinereiceps

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NF Photo 110209 Rancho Naturalista
Grey-headed Chachalaca - Ortalis cinereiceps
This was a bird that was not easy to spot even if they were right in front of you. They had to be moving for you to really notice them.  :)

More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.

11 kommentarer:

  1. So beautiful when they fly!

  2. Wonderful to see... lovely images.

  3. That's a new bird to me. Nice shots.

  4. Great photos of an interesting bird. The in-flight one is especially good.

  5. Amazing...looks like the underwing color is nearly red?!!!

  6. Great sighting of these cool birds, glad you were able to get some photos.

  7. thanks everyone for visiting and commenting. :)

  8. I love your last photo particularly - it's always so difficult to get a good shot of birds in flight (for me, anyway!).

  9. Oh yes, I clearly remember these guys. Great captures.


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