
White-necked Jacobin - Florisuga mellivora

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 White-necked Jacobin, female  - Florisuga mellivora
White-necked Jacobin, 2 males - Florisuga mellivora
NF Photo 11020 Rancho Naturalista
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Tropical Mockingbird - Mimus gilvus - sabiá-da-praia

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Tropical Mockingbird - Mimus gilvus - sabiá-da-praia
NF Photo 110209 close to Angostura Lagoon Costa Rica's Central Valley

More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx serripennis

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Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx serripennis
NF Photo 110209 close to Angustera Lake
About Rough-winged Swallow on All About Birds
Honestly I´m not 100% sure about this ID. So if you have an other idéa let me know.
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Hummingbirds at Quetzals Paradise

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 Fiery-throated Hummingbird, male  and a  Magnificent hummingbird female

At the feeder
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise
Just because they are so charming. :)
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Fiery-throated Hummingbird - Panterpe insignis

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 This one looks like "don´t you dare come here, it is mine"

Fiery-throated Hummingbird, male - Panterpe insignis
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Collared Redstart - Myioborus torquatus

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Collared Redstart - Myioborus torquatus
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise
En av de sötaste fåglar jag sett hittade jag i Costa Ricas regnskog. :)
One of the sweetest birds I´ve ever seen I found in Costa Ricas Rainforest.
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog
To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Collared Trogon - Trogon collaris

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Collared Trogon, male - Trogon collaris
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise

About Collared Trogon on wiki
link to IBC video of a female

It was rather dark in the forest so hard to get a clear shot. There was a little hillock so I could get a better shot from the back. I wanted it to turn around, but of course it didn´t. :)

 Wild Bird Wednesday
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Large-footed Finch - Pezopetes capitalis

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Large-footed Finch - Pezopetes capitalis
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise
I thought this was one bird but the shots indicate it might be two. The last shot differes. A young?
Can´t find much about them on the net. Sorry. :(
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Rough-legged tyrannulet - Phyllomyias burmeisteri

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Rough-legged tyrannulet - Phyllomyias burmeisteri
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise

This little red-eyed beauty belongs to the Tyrant flycatchers family

Rough-legged tyrannulet on The Internet Bird Collection
Video on IBC Singing

Wild Bird Wednesday 8
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog
To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus

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Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus
NF Photo 110208 Quetzal Paradise

This is a male, the female looks the same but without the red spot on the head.

About Hairy Woodpecker on wiki
youtube educational video

CameraCritters 230   Bird D´Pot      NF Memes
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area
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