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Large-footed Finch - Pezopetes capitalis
NF Photo 110208 Quetzals Paradise
I thought this was one bird but the shots indicate it might be two. The last shot differes. A young?
Can´t find much about them on the net. Sorry. :(
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.
Wow...the color of this Finch is incredibly beautiful...the deep rich pea green breast is so pretty and a wonderful contrast. That last photo of it looking at you through the window is so cool.
SvaraRaderathe Bird D'Pot weekend meme is always better when you share your photos with us.
Another newbie for me.. and it's a beauty.
SvaraRaderaHandsome bird!